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What is Chem-E-Car?

Chem-E-Car is Ryerson's first and only Chemical Engineering focused student design group! The objective is to engage students in designing and constructing a sustainable car powered by a chemical energy source, that will safely carry a specific load over a given distance and stop. The competition, which involves multiple regional competitions and final competition at the Annual Student Conference, increases awareness of the chemical engineering discipline among the public, industry leaders, educators, and other students.


Our Mission

Chem-E-Car aims to participate in the regional and national Chem-E-Car competitions on a yearly basis to increase awareness of the chemical engineering discipline at Ryerson among the general public, industry leaders, educators, and other students.


The Chem-E-Car design team is a subsidiary of the American Institute for Chemical Engineers Ryerson Chapter. With the position of Chem-E-Car Liaison, the gap between the student group and the chapter is to be bridged to ensure both teams are able to meet their short- and long-term goals.


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