Angela Chen
Angela is a second-year Chemical Engineering student at Toronto Metropolitan University and is the new AIChE Student Chapter's President for the 2022-2023 year! Her goal is to make more Chemical Engineering Students venture out and learn about their future industry. After graduation, she hopes to go into the biotechnology industry to make affordable medical devices. But in the meantime she can be found painting and playing the guitar.
Ilya Karpov
VP Operations
Ilya is a fourth-year Chemical Engineering student at Toronto Metropolitan University and is the new AIChE Student Chapter's Vice-President of Operations for the 2022-2023 year! His goal is to help better prepare chemical engineering students on what it takes to succeed in the industry. After graduation, he plans to go into the renewable energy sector and work on cutting edge projects. If you want to chill with him, he can be found playing ball, watching a good movie and cooking some delicious meals.
Mariam Alyemni
Mariam is a 5th year Chemical Engineering Student at Toronto Met University. She is the VP marketing of the AIChE Student Chapter for the year 2022-2023! Her motivation is getting all you lovely Engineers a chance to explore and discover all the industries and fields a Chemical Engineer is qualified to work in. And meet some friends along the way! After Graduation, she is a free spirit! she loves all the industries she's been exposed to. However, finds herself liking the petrochemical industry and pharmaceutical industry. She hopes to expand on the production of efficient and sustainable lithium ion batteries. When she is not an engineering student, she is usually either playing video games, listening to music and singing to it, editing and montaging videos or painting on a canvas.
Jasmit Harbans
Jasmit Harbans is in his third year of the Chemical Engineering Co-op program and is currently placed in the mining industry. He was also the VP of outreach this past year and is excited to take on a new role. As VP of finance for the 2022/2023 year, his goal is to manage all financial relations and transactions within the AIChE Student Chapter to ensure that the student group obtains all the funding that is necessary to host events that are engaging and informative for students. He enjoys learning new skills, trying new things and spending time with his family and friends.
Ramin Premaratne
Ramin is in his third year of chemical engineering. He will be joining the AIChE as VP of Events for the fall semester. His duties include overseeing, organizing and brainstorming events organized by the AIChE. Ramin also is the VP of Finance of the ChemU at TMU. His passions include watching football and anime, playing badminton, and discovering new food places. He also loves meeting new people, so please don't hesitate to say hi if you see him on campus!
Pragash Thevasingha
Pragash is in his second year in the Chemical Engineering Co-op program at TMU and is the Vice President of Outreach of the AIChE Student Chapter for the 2022/23 academic year! He is an experienced member as he was the First-Year Representative the year before. The Vice President of Outreach will be in charge of aiding the executive team with various duties, projects, and host events by cooperating with other clubs or professionals to showcase ideas to the rest of his peers in engineering. Pragash’s end goal for this year is to give the students a chance to really get into what they are passionate about in their careers by networking around the industry to get real-life experts/organizations for his peers.
In the future, he hopes to become a Chemical Engineer that is in the pharmaceutical industry or Chemical Artificial Intelligence. He is excited to meet new people, gain experience from being a part of this wonderful team and hopes to enrich his knowledge here at the AIChE Student Chapter!
This Could Be You!
Applications Open Now!
Would you like to get more exposure to the industry and be involved around campus?
Then this is the role for you !
You'll be the the Chapters Representative to the First Year Engineers! Which is always a good way to make friends along the way.